Pack Walk Rules!

  • All dogs welcome!

  • 1 handler per dog.

  • We will wait 5-10 minutes for folks, then the pack will start.

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

  • No flexi/stretchy leashes for safety purposes.

  • No nose to nose contact. Not all dogs will enjoy having another dog in their space.

  • Keep some distance between others when walking.

  • No shaming of tools or rude comments.

  • Please be courteous and walk in a single file line so others can pass by.

  • If you have a dog who is reactive, it's okay! We'll advise you to go either to the head of the pack or the back of the pack. So your dog isn't struggling with a dog ahead and behind them.

  • Know thy dog. If you see your dog struggle, please do not push them, and turn around. We don't want any dogs getting heat exhaustion/heat stroke.

  • Bring water for both, you and your dog.

  • We'd love to take a group picture at the end, so stick around.

  • Have fun!