


STABLE Dog Training will assess your dog’s behavior and work with owners to come up with a training plan. We observe your dog's behavior in a neutral territory (a park), bring different tools to see what may work best for your individual dog and give some tips to get you started. These last 1 hour long and are $70.

Group Classes

Keep an eye out on our Facebook group and Instagram as I announce the group classes when they’re available to sign up! To sign up you go above where it says “Group Classes” and follow the directions from there. We’ve had group courses of; basic leash handling and intermediate classes so far and these are limited to 5 people and their dogs.

Free Pack Walks

STABLE Dog Training will find a location in which we will walk as a group to practice the skills learned in real-world situations. Usually we pack walk at O’Melveny Park but location may change, check above where it says “Pack Walks“ for details.

AKC Testing

We are AKC evaluators and will be conducting Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Community Canine (CGCA) and Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU) tests. Reach out if you’d like to get your dog tested!

Private Training/Zoom Consultations

STABLE Dog Training will work with owner(s) and their dogs privately using a plan that is tailored to each individual dog's needs and owners goals. Zoom sessions are best suited for simple behaviors and owners who have previously had an evaluation or follow up to training. After each lesson, owners will receive follow up notes regarding the session.

Boarding + Board & Train.

Reach out to know our availability! Further details above at the top where it says boarding/boarding & training.