
  • Private in-home lesson

    $200 - Lessons are tailored to the individual dog and owner’s needs, they don’t have a time limit but tend to last 1-2 hours. After the lesson I send out a detailed email with everything we covered.

  • Bundle - 2 lessons

    $385 - Lessons are tailored to the individual dog and owner’s needs, they don’t have a time limit but tend to last 1-2 hours. After the lessons I send out a detailed email with everything we covered.

  • Bundle - 3 lessons

    $550 - Lessons are tailored to the individual dog and owner’s needs, they don’t have a time limit but tend to last 1-2 hours. After the lessons I send out a detailed email with everything we covered.

  • Bundle - 4 lessons

    $700 - Lessons are tailored to the individual dog and owner’s needs, they don’t have a time limit but tend to last 1-2 hours. After the lessons I send out a detailed email with everything we covered.